Saturday, September 27, 2008

Swingin' Along

Today we went to the playground at Brook Run park. Mommy was excited because she'd heard that unlike all the others she'd checked, this park had swings. Have you ever heard of swings? Well if you haven't or if your playground doesn't have them, you should find one and try it immediately. They are the best invention ever!

Here's a picture of me enjoying the baby swing.

They also make swings for taller people. I couldn't do those on my own but luckily daddy was there to help me.

My new favorite, after swings of course, is the slide. I went down a couple of times with daddy. Then I went down by myself! It was so much fun.

Hope your Saturday was equally exciting and fun-filled. Talk to you later.

Friday, September 26, 2008


At long last, mommy has mastered uploading videos of me... at least we think so. If she did this correctly, you'll see a video of me standing up and clapping. If she didn't, well, sorry. Hopefully she did because I am really cute in this one. Check it out.

While we were waiting for the video to load I decided to go and add some pictures of me as well from yesterday. In the pictures I'm wearing a lovely outfit that my grandmama sent me... don't I look cute? Talk to you later.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Day After the Anniversary

Yesterday was my mommy and daddy's 6th wedding anniversary. They celebrated by taking me out to dinner. Lucky them.
Actually lucky us; I know it's been a busy year for all of us. Busy, but good. Who wouldn't enjoy getting to know me and all the ways I can change a relationship dynamic. Mommy says she'd do it all again the exact same way. I hear daddy agrees with her. It is nice to feel so loved and appreciated. Makes a baby look forward to the next six years. Talk to you later.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Theme has Developed

Good evening all, I was going back through with mommy looking at my previous posts and I noticed a theme of 'sleep' or specifically lack of sleep, has been the constant in all my previous posts. Such is the life of a baby and her parents. Luckily, mommy and daddy are proving to be trainable and are learning to function with little or no sleep.

I keep telling them that if I can adapt to life outside the womb, they can adapt to life with no sleep. Besides, it's not forever. I'm growing up pretty fast. Why miss a moment of it sleeping?

That being said, I cruised today. I think that's the technical term for it. Basically I held onto the edge of the dresser and used it to move a few steps, yes steps! to the right.

Daddy got to see it and he was very excited. He told mommy as soon as she came in the door before I could mention it in my nightly rundown of the days activities for her.

I've been battling a cold for the last couple of days so I'm pretty miserable. Even though I feel pretty puny, I still was able to ham it up for mommy, my resident paparazzi, tonight. Enjoy.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday evening and all is well

Here's hoping you had a good day. I did, every day is a good day here in Tucker.

We all got an early start today... work for mommy and daddy; daycare for me. And, despite the fact I stayed up most of last night and was very tired, in solidarity with mommy and daddy, I refused all but a short 30-minute nap at daycare.

For dinner tonight I had plums with apple mix, pasta, cheerios, peaches, and 6 ounces of tasty goodness (that's formula for the uninitiated). Yes, that sounds like an eclectic dinner but I wasn't sure what I really wanted so I settled for tasting a bit of everything. That's what tired babies do. Now I'm in my purple pj's and working on going to sleep.

I realized today, probably during the time I should have been napping, that I hadn't added any new pictures for a few, maybe 5 days... so here's a picture of me reading. Talk to you later.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm supposed to be taking a nap

As the header states, I'm supposed to be napping, but I'm not. Daddy is in here with me trying his hardest to get me to sleep. Maybe I'll give him a break... then again, maybe not. This is a little late for my morning nap but I got up today a little later than normal.

I went to bed late last night because we went bowling. Daddy used to bowl a lot before I came along and redirected his energy. His first game was pretty bad, even by my standards. Mommy tried to be encouraging but I could tell she was laughing on the inside... wonder how she'd bowl? By his 5th game he bowled a 168 so I gave him a big baby cheer followed by a huge drooly kiss.

I've discovered that I really really like sleeping with mommy and daddy, more so than I enjoy being in my own bed so I make it a point to end the night in their bed. Nothing like waking up between them and seeing how much space I can take up. I'm small but I need the entire bed to be comfortable; they can have the edges but I need the rest of it.

Maybe if mommy came in here with us, I'd go to sleep. I think I'll holler for her to see if she's sleepy too. Talk to you later.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Family Night Supper

Wednesdays are Family Night Supper night at church. Daddy and I go up there for tasty dinner and socializing. Sometimes mommy gets off work in time to meet us, sometimes she doesn't.

Tonight, she was able to make it! Imagine my surprise to see her before 7. Not that I know what time it is... I'm just repeating what daddy said. I was sitting in the high chair, enjoying my baked ziti, controlling my audience, when she came in. Oh, what a happy moment for me. I of course had to thrill her with one of my best (and I do mean my best) screams. She enjoyed it. Can't say the folks next to, or behind, me enjoyed it, but mommy sure did. After she gave me kisses, she allowed me to get ziti and spaghetti sauce all over her suit. What a wonderful mommy.

Daddy went to make us... I mean her, a dinner plate from the line and we got to visit. What a wonderful daddy.

Every baby should be so lucky. Good night.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Monday

Hi all my loyal readers, all four of you! Today was such a busy day. I got an early start with mommy waking me at 6:30 for daycare. There I played and played, only stopping once for a quick 45 minute nap.

When daddy came to get me, I was exhausted so I took a nap. Now I'm all revved up and ready to go. I'm currently playing in my exersaucer but I figured I'd stop for a few minutes and share some new pictures of me.

In one of them, you'll see that I'm standing on my own. Yes, I'm still working on that standing up thing I mentioned in my first post. Hope you had a good day. Talk to you later!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday with Mommy

Okay, I wasn't really sleepy last night so I decided to stay up. That meant either mommy or daddy had to stay up as well. It was a pleasant surprise to see that it was mommy I was keeping up instead of daddy. It's nice to have daddy but he is hip to all my tricks and strategies for making the day last well into the night.

Anyway, after finally deciding it was time to go to sleep around 3 a.m., I allowed mommy a few hours of sleep until 8 then it was rise and shine. We went to the salon so mommy could get her gray hairs covered... for me it was a strictly social outing. I got to smile at the ladies under those hood things that give off hot air and play with my toys. After we left there we went to run errands... well actually, she did that; I slept. I love how the car moves, knocks me out every time!

After we got home, I let mommy make my bottles and prepare my lunch while I played in my exersaucer. Then she was supposed to sit and watch me eat but she decided that she could also fold laundry while I ate. Oh no, no, no, doesn't she understand the rules? All eyes must be on me. After I dribbled the peaches on the floor she agreed.

Wearing mommy out wore me out so I napped til daddy came home. Had to build back up my strength so I could beat him down as well.

Now it's after 10 and I'm singing, which means I'm not sleepy. Looks like tonight will be a repeat of last night.

Friday, September 5, 2008

My aunt and cousins came to visit

My auntie Tara came to visit last night and brought my cousins Keenan, Deante, and Keara. They were all really nice to me and I had everybody's undivided attention. Which meant I had to put on my best display of baby prowess... you know, speed crawling, drooling, pulling Pouncer's whiskers, singing at the top of my lungs... all the good stuff. I even allowed auntie Tara to hold me for just a few seconds until Mr. Ribbit showed up. Then I had to go--nothing gets between a girl and her frog!

Considering how much she dislikes real ones, my mommy was surprised that I've chosen a frog as my lovey. I like Ellie (my elephant) too, but my one true love is Mr. Ribbit, except for mommy and daddy of course.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Learning to Walk

Welcome to my blog. Mommy and Daddy indicated that all the best, well-connected babies have a blog these days so here I am. I'll try to keep you all updated on my activities... and of course pictures of me doing what babies do.

To catch everyone up... today, I stood up for a full 3 seconds without holding on to anything. Of course I fell immediately after but 'a little bit at a time' I always say. I'm hoping to master at least the standing up part by my birthday. In the meantime I'll enjoy all the attention I get when I stand up. Who knew it would be so easy to get people to clap for you?!

I've got an early day tomorrow so off to bed I go.