My Grandmama came to visit from Detroit. She came on Friday and we've been having a wonderful time together.
Friday, she got here just in time to keep me from having to go to bed at a marginally decent time. Daddy had been working with me on going to sleep but once she came in the door, I couldn't just go to sleep and let my new-found audience down. I knew she flew all the way here for me to entertain her... and that was exactly what I was going to do.
We went to the museum on Saturday to see the exhibit of the Chinese clay soldiers. They said they were made of clay but they looked pretty real to me. Too bad I couldn't touch them to check. There were a lot of people at the museum so I couldn't take my afternoon nap like mommy and daddy were hoping I would; too much to see, too many people to entertain.
Today, I went to Miss Megan's and played with Sarah while mommy and grandmama had a day together. Hopefully they had a good time without me there to entertain them and keep them on their toes. As much as I'd have loved to spend the day with them, I had to entertain Sarah and Miss Megan today; mommy and grandmama will have their turn for the Ryanne Show tomorrow. After they picked me up and daddy got home we went to dinner and then I had my bath.
Baths always make me sleepy. Shh, that's my secret. If mommy and daddy figure out that's all it takes to get me sleepy, I might end up having a bath everynight... and no baby wants that!
I'm off to bed, looking forward to a wonderful day tomorrow. Talk to you later.