Today was shaping up to be a very busy day so I decided to kick it off right... with a nap. After my rest, mommy dressed me in the fabulous outfit you see in all the pictures. She put quite a bit of thought into making sure I was decked out like the princess. Check out my tiara and wand. Yes, I knighted several people during my party.
We all made crowns and tiaras before we had tasty macaroni and cheese, pizza, and hot dogs. Yes, an eclectic menu, but quite delicious.
Here are pictures of my friends having a great time and enjoying spending time with me. It really was fun.
And through it all, mommy managed not to cry even once. She sounded a little wobbly while singing the birthday song but she managed to pull it together. Here's the video so you can listen.
I can definitely say this has been quite the year. This time last year, I didn't even know you wonderful people existed. Or that you would dedicate so much time and love to making sure I was happy, dry, full, loved, and queen of all I survey. But you have, and for that I love you all.
Of all the families I could have gotten, I'm glad you are mine. And most importantly, I'm glad I am yours. Talk to you later.
Hi Ryanne,
Happy Birthday! Was that your Grandma's jacket I saw in the video? Where is a picture of this Grandma from Detroit that you mention from time to time in your blog? Are you sure you really have a Grandma from Detroit? I haven't seen any sign of her in your blog. Come on....show us the Grandma!!! You didn't make her disappear with that wand of your's did you?
I'm glad you had such a great day. Keep up with those naps, they're very important.
Your Grandma's Friend, Kathleen
Hi Ryanne,
Sounds like you waved your wand the right way - lots of smiling faces reflected in yours! Thanks for sharing your big day A. Mary
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