Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I've been very busy

I know, I know, it's mid-February and not a word from me this month... sorry. I've just been so busy being a baby. With all the wonderful things to explore, writing has taken a hit. Mommy and daddy put the batteries back in some of my toys so I've had to rediscover these oldies but goodies. And, did you know that mommy's bathroom drawer has all kinds of neat stuff in it like deodorant and combs. Stuff she really doesn't need but are great to play with.
At Miss Megan's house the other day I wore myself out playing so hard that I fell asleep at snack time. Here's a video of it. Mommy and daddy laughed and laughed. I personally didn't find it so funny. Let me know what you think. Talk to you later.


Lara said...

Hi Ryanne!
Personally I know what you mean--my mommy and daddy are always following me around trying to get photos and video at the most inappropriate moments (at least I think so!) It's all fun and games to them though!

Don't worry, we'll get them back when we can start repeating everything they say!


Kathleen said...

You sound just like your Grandma when she drifts off into one of those quick, unexpected naps!

(Evelyn's Grandma)