It's been a whole year since I posted here... a year filled with lots of adventures. As we begin 2014 (Happy New Year!), let's take a look back at all I did in 2013. Shall we?
Me and Daddy selling Girl Scout Cookies outside Kroger |
Daddy and I were great cookie sellers this year. Together we sold nearly 1,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Even though it was cold while we were out selling, people were really nice and we had a good time.
Hunting for Easter eggs |
This year we had the Easter egg hunt in the front yard. It was fun to have all the extra room to run around and find eggs.
Rebounding on the court at Phillips Arena |
My favorite player on the Hawks is (was) Josh Smith. Daddy arranged for me to be able to catch rebounds for
the team him at one of the games. It was very exciting. Soon after he left for another team. I'm glad I got to rebound before he got traded.
Poolside in Orlando |
Rapunzel and me |
For spring break we went to Orlando. I got to spend tons of time at the pool. I went down the water slide maybe a hundred times! In one day! I also went to Disney and visited my friends, the princesses. I saw Belle, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Ariel, Merida, and Aurora. There were parades, fireworks, and everything a girl could wish for.
My first strawberry of the season |
Mommy and I planted a garden again. We grew strawberries, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and potatoes. This time we protected it from the neighborhood rabbits and squirrels.
Enjoying time with my Grandma |
Grandma came to visit for my mommy's birthday in June. We had a great time playing together and going to White Water. In July, I went and spent a whole week with her in Michigan.
Keara, Daddy, me, and Mommy on the beach at Hilton Head |
For my cousin's birthday, we took her to the beach with us. It was fun having her there to play with. We even got our own room to share.
I lost my first tooth |
I lost three teeth this year... all from the bottom. And now, one of my top big ones is loose. Wow.
Cammie and me with Doc McStuffins |
My favorite show on Disney Junior is Doc McStuffins. She's a doctor to stuffed animals and toys. She brought her Doc Mobile to Atlanta and Cammie and I got to meet her. We had a great time doctoring our toys. I think I want to be like Doc when I grow up.
Looking at pictures with Ellie on Marco Island |
We went to Marco Island again this year to see our friends. I brought my camera I earned from selling Girl Scout cookies and took pictures of everyone and everything.
Cammie and me trick or treating |
Cammie and I went trick or treating at the Atlanta Zoo. She was a witch, I was Cinderella. Besides getting lots of candy, we got to see all the animals and have lunch.
My birthday party at All Fired Up |
Mommy and daddy had my birthday party at All Fired Up. Me and my friends got to paint pottery and have cake. My cake was decorated with everyone from Doc McStuffins. We also had Doc McStuffins bags to take home.
The annual Christmas picture quest |
Mommy didn't struggle as much this year trying to get the annual Christmas picture. I was a patient and willing subject, even though she made me light the candles many times. Putting them out was my favorite part.
At my recital, performing Jingle Bell Rock |
At my dance recital I got to be a present. I also danced a ballet to one of the songs from The Nutcracker. Everybody clapped and cheered for us. I enjoy being on the stage. If I don't decide to be a doctor, I can always be a ballerina.
So there you have it, my 2013 summed up in pictures. I promise to be better about providing updates this year. Talk to you later!
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