Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Wow! What a wonderful holiday! I usually refrain from using exclamation points in my writing but this time they are well deserved. It was such a beautiful, great, amazing, fantastic day that it deserved two exclamations right out of the gate.

I had a visit from Santa and he left me lots and lots of goodies. My baby doll got a stroller but I got a princess dress, princess t-shirt, princess stickers, and a princess book. Lest you think a theme has developed, I also got a vacuum cleaner. It was my absolute favorite. It makes noise just like the one mommy and daddy use and it's all mine, mine, mine.

I was so excited with all the presents, I couldn't take a nap. So I was good and wired when my cousins and auntie came over. We had such a great time laughing and playing. They just left, not too long ago. I'm headed to bed but wanted to show you pictures of us having a lovely time together. Hope you had a Merry Christmas! Talk to you later.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Picture 2009

This year's Christmas picture photo shoot was much easier than last years. Mommy was able to get the picture in less than 10 minutes. That left me more time to play with baby Jesus in the Nativity scene.
Christmas is a very busy time of the year for babies. With all the baking, singing, decorating, and such, there's little time to get to the computer. Sorry. But, to make up for not posting much this month, here are some other pictures of me playing and from the Christmas festival at Stone Mountain Park. Hope you are having a wonderful Advent season. Talk to you later.