Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Even though it's early in the day, today has been an exceptional day so far. I watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade with all the dancers, singers, and this really cute happy guy in a red suit at the end. Daddy says that's Santa Claus and he brings presents to all the good boys and girls around the world on Christmas Day. Since I've been wonderful this year, I expect I'll be seeing him soon.
To bump up my good points, I helped mommy make sweet potato souffle, a fabulous dish with sugar, coconut, milk, more sugar, oh and sweet potatos. All of those are my favorite so mommy let me taste before she added the eggs. Then I helped her make stuffing from grandmama's recipe. We stirred and stirred and I stuck my finger in to make it just perfect.
All that cooking wore me out so I'm just laying down for my nap. Daddy says when I wake up my cousins will be here for dinner. He made a turkey on the grill and a ham in the oven. And he made my favorite, macaroni and cheese.

Today we give thanks for all the wonderful people and things in our lives. For me, I'm thankful for my mommy, daddy, grandmama, all my family in Guam, Chicago, Detroit, Gary, and Atlanta, my friends at Miss Megan's house, Pouncer, Cleo, Mr. Ribbit, Duckling, Ellie, all my other toys, my mommy, Mr. and Mrs. Salter next door, my new duck from uncle Iyorliam and his family, my books (including the ones I've torn pages and frogs out of), my exercersaucer... let's see, this is a pretty long list. I could go on and on but I think most of all I'm thankful for being here with all of you to love me and me to love you back.
Where ever you are, whatever you're doing, I hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving. Talk to you later.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm Walking... sorta

Check this out... talk about real time. Mommy shot this video of me just a few minutes ago.

See, I told you I was working on mastering this walking business. All my little friends (Evelyn, Aidan, Kayla, and Kate) take note, this will be you one day. And let me tell you,it's pretty great. Every time I act like I want to stagger around, mommy dives for the video camera. She's so trainable. I know she's been trying to catch me on tape all week. It was pretty nice to get all that attention so I decided to reward her efforts.

I can only go a few steps forward right now before the irresistible urge to crawl takes over but I'm working on it. Pretty soon I'll be running through the house, getting into everything I can. I'm looking forward to it. Talk to you later.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Day Three

Okay, for those of you that patiently waited... on day three of the birthday extravaganza weekend, we went to the Georgia Aquarium. See, that's me in the Ocean Voyager exhibit with a very large Grouper about to swim past me.
In the exhibit, there's this huge glass that you can press your face to and see all the fish- much bigger than my aquarium light at home. The amazing part is that you don't fall in. For a moment I thought I was going to be part of the exhibit (fall into the water) but mommy touched the glass and she didn't fall in so I was brave and did the same. It was great. We had a wonderful time. Grandmama also liked it. She'd never been to the Georgia Aquarium either so we got to have a 'first' together. In this picture you can kinda see her in the background... I was being a camera hog.
Seeing all those fish, and being so cute, wore me out so I slept through the last part of the exhibits.
After, we stopped for fish at Grandmama's favorite fish place in Atlanta (I think seeing all those fish gave her ideas). All in all, we enjoyed our days and look forward to being together really soon. Talk to you later.